Book Donations
Book donations are accepted during regular library hours. We welcome hardcover and paperback books in good condition. Donated books may be used to augment the library’s collection or be sold to benefit the library in our ongoing book sale. The library cannot accept magazines, textbooks, travel books, financial books, encyclopedia sets, Reader’s Digest condensed books, audio/visual material without cases, or books that have been wet or stored in basements or garages (no mold, no dirt, no spiders!). Please discard books in poor condition at your house rather than at the Library. Pack book donations in either handled bags or small boxes–limit three (3) per visit. Books delivered in garbage bags will not be accepted.
Patron Lounge
Comfortable, quiet area for reading, studying, working, small group conversations, book group meetings. Food and beverages are permitted in this area.
Homebound Service
For those persons unable to come to the Library due to physical disabilities, we will arrange for a volunteer to deliver and pick-up materials. Please call the Library to arrange this service.
The Library has a photocopier available near the front entrance. Materials may be copied for a charge of $0.15 per page B/W and $.50 color. Faxing is also available; $1.00 for the first page and $.50 for each additional page.
A Reference Librarian is available at the Information Desk to help with your information needs. Come in, telephone, or visit our Ask a Librarian page with your questions.
Interlibrary Loans (ILL)
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Services allow you to obtain print materials, such as books and magazine articles, as well as microfilm of old newspapers, that are not owned within the Westchester Library System. To use WLS ILL Services, you must be a valid WLS library card holder in good standing with active borrowing privileges. You can read more about ILL services on the Westchester Library System website or by speaking with a reference librarian.
Book Sale
Please come in and browse our materials for sale. There is no set fee for the items. Donations are accepted.
Notary Public
Service is free. Call ahead to be sure that a notary will be available.
The library is a drop-off point for recycling plastic film, used batteries (both non-reusable and reusable–less than 11 pounds) and k-cup pods. Note: Before dropping off batteries, please ensure that the positive side of the battery is taped with either duct tape or electrical tape only (scotch tape, masking tape, painter’s tape, or packaging tape not permissible).
E-ZPass Retailer
The Hendrick Hudson Free Library is an authorized E-ZPass retailer. E-ZPasses can be purchased at the library for $25 via cash, check, or credit/debit card. Each E-ZPass is pre-loaded with $25. All you need to do is register the E-ZPass, and you will be set to go. Instructions on how to register your new E-ZPass are included with your purchase. You will need to bring with you a valid driver’s license to purchase your E-ZPass. E-ZPasses can be used for cars, pick-up trucks, and vans only. For additional information, please visit the New York State Thruway Authority Web site.
Provides catalog, internet and word processing access on 2 computers in the Adult Area and 1 in the Children’s Room. Use is on a first-come, first-served basis. Printing is also available at $0.15 a page.
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