It’s Been An Unforgettable Summer Here At HHFL!
Baby Chicks!
The Children’s Room hatched seven eggs!
Read about their journey and see pictures here.
Outdoor Concert: The BlueStorm Four
The warm weather brings outdoor events!
Patrons enjoyed listening to The BlueStorm Four while lounging on the front lawn with snacks and beverages.
The Children’s Room also hosted a Stuffed Animal Sleepover!
Participants brought their stuffies in for story time, and then tucked them in to spend the night.
You can watch a video here of their silly adventures throughout the evening.
Fall Fairy Garden with Succulent Plants
Cheri got a head start to celebrate the beginning of fall by creating fall-themed fairy gardens with our patrons!
We love crafts with Cheri!
A new addition to our music garden!
Thanks to a generous donation, a xylophone has been added to our music garden in Memory of Justina & Anthony Giarusso.
Be sure to check it out the next time you’re here!
The Summer Reading Game!
We had over 250 registrations and over 100 children completed!
Our grand prize winners were announced at our finale program. Thanks for playing!